Paediatric Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anaesthesia
Dr. Kat Lanigan from BC Children’s Hospital is leading Canadian engagement with an international pediatric regional anesthesia collaboration, including the RAUK (Regional Anesthesia-United Kingdom) group, Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, and the European Society of Pediatric Anaesthesiology – see the attached poster with QR link. Dr. Lanigan’s efforts have been enthusiastically endorsed by CPAS.
For those eager to learn more or have specific questions, Dr. Lanigan will be hosting a table during the lunch break at the CPAS meeting on Saturday, September 14th, where attendees can engage with her directly. Following the meeting, detailed information about this initiative will be available in the Guidelines section of the CPAS website. This will include a poster and a hyperlink to the Plan A Blocks edited specifically for Canadian practices.
CPAS2022 Scientific Meeting Sponsors
Gold Exhibitor:
Made possible, in part, through the financial support of Merck Canada Inc. and that the opinions expressed are those of its authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Merck Canada Inc.
Basic Exhibitors:
Thank you to the sponsors: Dynamed, Abbvie, Heine, Sonosite, Hotdog, Bomimed, Avir, Edwards Life Sciences, Bunnell, GE, Trucorp, Storz, Angel Crafts